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1 point


So in conclusion, death penalty should definitely be allowed in the US for many different reasons. It keeps people safe from criminals, it is not painful, it it always relative to the crime, it is only used on sane people and it is not in any way racist.

1 point

Because of all the facts that we have showed the death penalty should be removed because it is cruel and unusual punishment

1 point

TSA has been a wonderful system that have tracked down people that have been carrying goods they are not supposed to be. TSA has helped save the countries that they have been why prosecuting the enemy. It is a helpful system that can save lives.

1 point

I support your argument because I personally have almost missed that flight because of the long line and also I wrote argument 4.

1 point

There are over 100 people who have been sentenced to life in jail instead of being executed.

(Ian Brady) (Mira Hindley) (Donald Neilson) (Trevor Hardy) (Robert Maudsley) and so many others have been sentenced to life in jail and all died in jail instead of being executed which means they got to live their lives.

1 point

In conclusion Muslims should have the right to build their Ground Zero Mosque near the 9/11 attacks because not all muslims are terrorist, and Muslims have their own rights.

falakkhalil(10) Clarified
1 point

Opening Statement: Over 68% of American citizens are opposing the construction of the community center. Muslims should not be allowed to build the community center two blocks away from the site of the 9/11 attacks as it is a sacred ground, religious practices are not allowed in other countries, it will endanger lives, it will be a victory monument for the Muslim conquerors, and it would be morally unacceptable.

1 point

Although TSA can bring down drug importation into the country it isn't completely foolproof has many TSA machines have proven to be faulty therefore able to smuggle weapons and drugs in.

1 point

As I have responded to your fellow colleague, you are altogether denying your claim, therefore agreeing with us.

1 point

TSA is a machine it doesn't have feelings therefore can not "care". There have been no written records of TSA saving lives.

1 point

The TSA has been getting better over the year and hacking it isn't that easy.

1 point

This article shows the death penalty rates depending on the crimes. The only crime that is up for execution other than murder is sexual offenses like rape. This shows that execution is only used when it is very relative to the crime. Rape is illegal and so is murder. They are both really severe crimes, which deserve equally cruel punishments.

Supporting Evidence: death penalty in the us (
1 point

Closing statement

In conclusion, school searches shouldn't be done because teachers are not responsible for what students bear, juvenile students have 4th amendment rights, and searching students could end up in humiliation. These reasons show why schools should not be searching students or their belongings.

0 points

The link above shows thirteen men that have been condemned to die despite the fact of their mental disabilities.

1 point

Mr.Furman did not receive capital punishment because his crime, rape, wasn't a suitable crime for the death penalty. If you read our other arguments you will see that the death penalty is legal relative to the crime. Otherwise it would be deemed unconstitutional under the 8th amendment. For example, a murder would be relative to the punishment

1 point

Then the searches should happen privately and not in public.

0 points

Well it might be illegal but it can help people survive. Would you rather die because of the TSA being removed because of protests ? or would you rather be that person that cares about their privacy more than their life.

1 point

Closing Statement:

In conclusion, the use of drugs and smoking during school, students not being on their own property, and the number of shootings in schools by students strongly prove that school searches should be permitted. There are also many more arguments to prove that schools should be allowed to search students and their belongings while they are in school when there is reasonable suspicion.

2 points

As the evidence clearly shows, TSA searches without permission are wrong, unfair and illegal as they prove to be a health hazard, a privacy infiltration and an inconvenience to society as a whole

1 point

The death penalty is actually only legal in 32 states not 33. And CNN reported that the lethal injections are harmful and cause unnecessary pain. When the lethal injection to cause muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, and potassium chloride to stop the heart. This can cause unnecessary pain.

2 points

Closing Statement:

In conclusion, guns should be prohibited or at least regulated in the United States because people are killed every other day because literally everyone can buy these weapons. People say that cancer is the biggest killer but usually, people who wield guns and the ones who don't know how to use them correctly end up killing innocent people and children. Many people feel that this is one of the biggest problems the world is facing now because of the staggering number of deaths in such a short period of time. For these reason and more, guns should be at least regulated if not banned altogether and we will see the change and it will be instantaneous, no doubt.

1 point

22 juveniles have been executed between 1985 and 2003. This means that 22 juvenile people have not had the chance to go through life. Juveniles are young people which means that they haven't lived their life yet, so by executing them you take away their life. Instead they should be put in jail for life. John Straffen, Britain's longest serving prisoner, who spent 55 years in prison until his death. Straffen was convicted of murdering two pre-teen girls in 1951.

1 point

Although anti-terrorism extremist will target the area they are targeting the wrong area . they are targeting Muslims and saying that all muslims are terrorists. But the people building this mosque are just the same as anybody else they are not terrorist they are just Muslims.

2 points

As the evidence clearly shows, TSA searches without permission are wrong, unfair and illegal as they prove to be a health hazard, a privacy infiltration and an inconvenience to society as a whole.

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