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This personal waterfall shows you all of Emir's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

As I have responded to your fellow colleague, you are altogether denying your claim, therefore agreeing with us.

1 point

I beg to differ and do not find this response very sincere, and although you may not consider this as vulgar behaviour I hope you can turn that frown upside down! Here is an article for Ina and Schae. Goodday fellows!

1 point

I appreciate you finally responding to my claim and although I thank you for fixing it, it could sound more sincere, here is an article I wish for you to read Ms. Petersen and Mr. Meredith.

2 points

I don't understand the context of "d" in 'It can also d tool when you are hunting,' please clarify?

0 points

As I have responded to your fellow colleague, you are altogether denying your claim, therefore agreeing with us.

0 points

Isn't this completely denying your claim altogether? and here's something to shine light on the topic ;)

Supporting Evidence: rekt or nah? (
1 point

I beg to differ, the topic of this debate is about gun rights. Not police force or anything else, although if you do want some ACTUAL information, pepper spray, tasers, brass knuckles, and other forms of self-defense are perfectly fine. Oh and while I'm here, "cope" is spelled "cop"

0 points

Another reason why guns should be banned are because of how easy it is to purchase them, kids as young as 13 years old can walk into a store and purchase a gun without a license. While some states have caught up to this and require a license, at least. But this doesn’t solve the issue, a stranger who does not even have his criminal record checked should not be able to go to a gun store and purchase guns. Continuing on, I haven’t even mentioned people with disabilities or mental issues, still having the right to buy guns and put countless lives in danger, the US is recorded as one of the countries with the HIGHEST murder rate, and while saying they might have a massive population, the murder rate in China is nowhere near the rate in the US.

0 points

Argument 2:

Continuing on, a reason why guns should be banned are because of how easy it is to purchase them, kids as young as 13 years old can walk into a store and purchase a gun without a license. While some states have caught up to this and require a license, at least. But this doesn’t solve the issue, a stranger who does not even have his criminal record checked should not be able to go to a gun store and purchase guns. Continuing on, I haven’t even mentioned people with disabilities or mental issues, still having the right to buy guns and put countless lives in danger, the US is recorded as one of the countries with the HIGHEST murder rate, and while saying they might have a massive population, the murder rate in China is nowhere near the rate in the US.

0 points

I beg to differ: (check #1)

1 point

Americans own 300 million guns, 1.7 million children live in homes where they are fully loaded and unlocked, that's almost the same amount of guns criminals commit crimes with.

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