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1 point

Closing Statement:

In conclusion, the Muslims should not have the right to build the community center and mosque near Ground Zero because of what happened in the past, emotional feelings and for the society’s better.

1 point

You are right on the fact that the community voted that the mosque and community center should be built, but the voting shows no information about the location. They voted that the United States was built on religious freedom and allowing them to build the community center and mosque will show the values of America, but didn't vote about the location. The United States have a great diversity of religions, but Islamists that call for tolerance should look at their own practices before they criticize America’s.

1 point

I beg to differ, read

Con #8

1 point

"Should Mosque, Islamic Center Be Built Near Ground Zero?" PBS. Public Broadcasting

Service, 10 Aug. 2010. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.

1 point

Argument 4:

Building the Ground Zero mosque will endanger New Yorkers because anti-terrorism extremists will target that area for an attack. This thought has changed the opinion of many people when the head developer named Imam Rauf and his wife received death threats about building the community center. For that reason, the majority of the citizens think that it will lead to violence.

1 point

Many people died in the 9/11 attacks, however, the 9/11 attacks were committed by Muslims in the name of Islam and having a mosque near Ground Zero will create more division, more anger, and hatred. This will cause no good for anyone especially the Muslims.

1 point

America does not find the mosque insulting, it has a huge diversity of religions. The only problem is that the name is insulting and should be changed and should be relocated away from the 9/11 attack sites because the financier of the Ground Zero mosque is said to be funded by Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, and 15 of 19 jihadis in the twin tower attack were Saudis.

1 point

Although they have the right to build what they want on their land, there are hundreds of mosques around the United States, there is no need for one to be overlooking the grave site of many people. Adding on, the mosque should only be built near the 9/11 site once churches are built in Saudi Arabia.

1 point

Not allowing them to build the mosque would not say that every Muslim is a terrorist, but would turn the sacred ground of the 9/11 attacks sites into a terrorist attraction.

0 points

Every Islamist around the world recognizes Cordoba as a symbol of Islamic conquest. It signifies their contempt for Americans and their confidence in their history that would deliberately insult the Americans.

1 point

Every Islamist around the world recognizes Cordoba as a symbol of Islamic conquest. It signifies their contempt for Americans and their confidence in their history that would deliberately insult the Americans.

1 point

The meaning has changed as when the amendment was made, they were talking about the different types of christianity and not complete diversity of religion. Now that different religion other that christians house the US, according to the amendment, they don’t have full freedom.

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