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Adamantia_L's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Adamantia_L's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Because of all the facts that we have showed the death penalty should be removed because it is cruel and unusual punishment

1 point

There are over 100 people who have been sentenced to life in jail instead of being executed.

(Ian Brady) (Mira Hindley) (Donald Neilson) (Trevor Hardy) (Robert Maudsley) and so many others have been sentenced to life in jail and all died in jail instead of being executed which means they got to live their lives.

1 point

22 juveniles have been executed between 1985 and 2003. This means that 22 juvenile people have not had the chance to go through life. Juveniles are young people which means that they haven't lived their life yet, so by executing them you take away their life. Instead they should be put in jail for life. John Straffen, Britain's longest serving prisoner, who spent 55 years in prison until his death. Straffen was convicted of murdering two pre-teen girls in 1951.

1 point

22 juveniles have been executed between 1985 and 2003. This means that 22 juvenile people have not had the chance to go through life. Juveniles are young people which means that they haven't lived their life yet, so by executing them you take away their life. Instead they should be put in jail for life. John Straffen, Britain's longest serving prisoner, who spent 55 years in prison until his death. Straffen was convicted of murdering two pre-teen girls in 1951.

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